The Prophet ﷺ has said:
“Seeking knowledge is mandatory upon every Muslim”
(Ibn Mājah,224)

“Knowledge without practice is like a river without water”
(Mufīd al-Ṭālibīn)

Abdullāh ibn Mubārak (رحمه الله) said:”After prophethood, I know no rank higher than sharing knowledge.”
(Tahdīb al-Kamāl)
Our Vision: Islamic School & Seminary
Allāh ﷻ says: “And spend out of what We have given to you before death overtakes one of you and he says, “My Lord, would you not give me respite to a near term, so that I shall pay Ṣadaqah (alms) and become one of the righteous?” (63:10)
Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ has said: “Allāh ﷻ said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” (Bukhārī)
“Whoever Allāh ﷻ intends good for, He grants him the understanding of the religion”
“Whoever takes up a path in quest for knowledge, Allāh ﷻ will make the path of jannah easy for him.”
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